Alienation in Aboriginal Education in the Northern Territory


  • N. Barry


In many areas of government policy there is a big gap between theory and practice, that is, there is a difference between what oughtto occur and what actually eventuates. This is unfortunately true for education as well. That education actually alienates the young from the old and from their traditional life-style may in some way be substantiated. In theory this should not happen. Before any discussion on the pros and cons of such a state of affairs, however, there is a need to define what education is, to define some of the approaches officially accepted in Aboriginal education and to differentiate between the needs of some of the more recognizable Aboriginal groups and their life-styles.


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Eckermann A-K. Aboriginal people on Cherbourg community. Cross-Cultural Perspective/The Present Situation. Module 1, Unit 3, Armidale C.A.E. Notes for Diploma in Aboriginal Education.

Hordern D.A 1974A socio-anthropological survey of the community of Katherine N.T. Unpublished dissertation for Aboriginal Studies I. Darwin Community College.

Ingram J. and Randall B. 1977Education for alienation - or for self-determination. The Aboriginal Child at School, 5, 2.

Kramer and Specht (eds). 1969 Readings in Community Organisation Practice. Englewood Cliffs, N.J., Prentice Hall.

Luck A. 1974Socio-anthropological survey of Yirrkala. Unpublished dissertation for Aboriginal Studies. Darwin C.C.

Ross M. 1955 Community Organisation: Theory and Principles. N .Y., Harper.




How to Cite

Barry, N. (1994). Alienation in Aboriginal Education in the Northern Territory. The Aboriginal Child at School, 22(2), 155–162. Retrieved from



Section Nine